Leadership Training
For the last 30 years or so, I’ve dedicated my life to raising up leaders. The mistake many people make is that they think leadership training is what we do at a Bible School or a Leadership Conference or with kids who intern in the summer and that’s awesome. But if you’re going to be a real leadership trainer, it is taking a deeper interest in your volunteers, at least key ones and pouring your gut into them that will make a difference. Like most everything in the Kingdom, leadership training is tremendously unglamorous when you’re in the middle of the process.
Early on, I realized that one of the biggest keys to significant youth ministry is building a leadership team. I’ve spent time investing in my volunteers, not just the ones that have the availability to intern, because those people are few and far between. Investing in some of those amazing volunteers to help them be the best leaders they can be has been the magic of my life. I’ve done it quietly and non-glamorously and most of them have never been interns or Master’s Commission students. They’ve been countless amazing volunteers who have normal lives and I’ve helped see the excitement of being able to give their life away to something that could count for all eternity and believing in them and helping them to navigate the water.
After that, everything else, the speaking to leaders, the writing of leadership books and the Cadre have all come out of years and years of doing it with my volunteers.
For the last 30 years or so, I’ve dedicated my life to raising up leaders. The mistake many people make is that they think leadership training is what we do at a Bible School or a Leadership Conference or with kids who intern in the summer and that’s awesome. But if you’re going to be a real leadership trainer, it is taking a deeper interest in your volunteers, at least key ones and pouring your gut into them that will make a difference. Like most everything in the Kingdom, leadership training is tremendously unglamorous when you’re in the middle of the process.
Early on, I realized that one of the biggest keys to significant youth ministry is building a leadership team. I’ve spent time investing in my volunteers, not just the ones that have the availability to intern, because those people are few and far between. Investing in some of those amazing volunteers to help them be the best leaders they can be has been the magic of my life. I’ve done it quietly and non-glamorously and most of them have never been interns or Master’s Commission students. They’ve been countless amazing volunteers who have normal lives and I’ve helped see the excitement of being able to give their life away to something that could count for all eternity and believing in them and helping them to navigate the water.
After that, everything else, the speaking to leaders, the writing of leadership books and the Cadre have all come out of years and years of doing it with my volunteers.
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Lovingly yours,
Youth Ministry Basics is eight pragmatic teachings with informative "how-tos" that have consistently made significant differences in my youth ministries over the years.
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In this Youth Leader's Coach, I share with you 7 Simple "ASKS" that I have of the leaders in the amazing ministries that I'm a part of. Make sure that as you have volunteers, whether 3 or 300, you are clarifying the win for them. When you clarify the win...you will find it will be exciting for them to be part of the ministry that you are privileged to lead.