Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
Why do BAD things happen to GOOD people? A question that has often passed through my mind the past 5 years. I shared this message with our gang back on February 20th, the 5-year anniversary of my husband and hero, Sam's stroke which led to his early promotion to heaven. You’re probably wondering, “Jeanne, why do BAD things happen to GOOD people?” The only answer I have, is not the most prophetic or spiritual answer. It’s simply... I DON’T KNOW.
I know, I know. It’s not something that you were expecting. But there are two things that helped me through some of my toughest days the past 5 years. Journey with me as I talk about why it's so important to not BLAME GOD for things that He had nothing to do with. Or after it's all said and done and you’re processing the entire situation and you think back to yourself, “God, why didn’t you stop that bad thing from happening?” Though I can’t give exact answers why some of your students' mom or dad had to leave or why their friend betrayed them like they did...in this message I explore what the Bible says to do during some of those TOUGH and ROTTEN situations and what I've found to be the most helpful in my journey.