Carpe Diem: "Seize The Day" Legacy Edition
The reality is, how each of us choose to spend our time, will ultimately create how each of us choose to spend our life. However, it's all too easy to let our primary focus be inward, thinking of our own personal rights, to ever truly seize the day. But to be able to truly change my behavior, I must first change my perspective.
In this message, "Carpe Diem," I'm challenging our students to seize the day on making some Christ-honoring choices that can set them up with a lifetime of success and happiness. Listen in, as you hear me illustrate the importance of how we spend our lives with some help from a powerful tape measure illustration, four lepers, and a clock ticking away in the background. It's my hope that we all say to the Lord, "Give me your kind of spiritual I don't waste my life spiritually having too much to lose."
Choosing to seize the day,
This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio
This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, "MUSINGS FROM MY FUTURE CASKET"