Go Cut Down Your Nets! Legacy Edition

Sport fanatics will know exactly what I’m talking about when I say, “Go cut down your nets.” For the rest of us, it's a tradition done by the winning team after winning a major game. In this message, I share with my students about cutting down our life nets...when we fight and work for something that seems so difficult to obtain. But, if we put in enough blood, sweat, and little becomes OBTAINABLE.

I did this service right before a retreat and centered it around one of the most challenging things for some of our students...evangelism. I shared an epic story about the Notre Dame basketball team and 10 easy and specific ideas that they could do to make a difference in their worlds. I end the service with an unforgettable image, as I handed out some simple basketball nets to those in our group that were already "cutting down their nets."

Do you want to make Hell regret the day you were born? Go CUT DOWN YOUR NETS!


This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio

This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, "SCAR-CASM: AMERICA'S LATEST OLYMPIC SPORT"