SCAR-CASM: America's Latest Olympic Sport Legacy Edition
Every two years we have the priviledge of watching the world's top athlete's complete for coveted medals in the Olympics. But how do the Olympics connect with today's leaders? As I watch leaders around me, it seems like Sarcasm, or as I like to call it, SCAR-casm, has almost become an Olympic sport. Humor is one of the most powerful "gods" of the 21st Century and Sarcasm is often considered fair play with humor. However, there is there is usually a hint of truth in the sarcastic remark that leaves a "SCAR" even if the person receiving the mark is outwardly laughing themselves.
In a survey of Christian teenagers, the top thing they were looking for in a youth ministry was "a welcoming, friendly environment"...the exact opposite of sarcasm. So, listen in as I share some thoughts on this important topic.
This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio
This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, "SCAR-CASM: AMERICA'S LATEST OLYMPIC SPORT"