When You Feel Like A Fraud Legacy Edition

If you're wired at all like me, you will resonate with this month's coaching time. I call it, "When You Feel Like A Fraud." No...I'm not "A Fraud." But there are many times during my years in full-time ministry when that thought has crossed my mind.

John Milton once said, "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven." The reality is, it's not a lie to you if you choose to keep allowing yourself to repeat it and believe it. So listen in, as I share 12 different times when the Enemy may plant the thought in your mind that what you're doing is making you "feel like a fraud," and how I handle those times when they come up in my life.

Still fighting the battles,

This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio

This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, DUNGEON OF DEPRESSION

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