Keep Drumming Legacy Edition
This mentoring is a leadership pep talk that I often give to myself. It's this kind of self-talk that has kept me in the game for over five decades. Henry Thoreau said, "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, maybe it is because he marches to the beat of a different drummer." And through the run when challenges came, I learned that no man is ever down for the count...until he quits in his own mind. So, I just get back up and keep drumming!
I hope these simple pragmatics will help you if you ever feel like you're discouraged or want to give up. And don't forget, you can never let God down. Do you know why? Because you were never holding Him up in the first place! If you don't need this encouragement will. So, listen in so you are prepared to just KEEP DRUMMING. If you do that my friend, I promise that heaven and I will be clapping for you.
This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio
This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, THE CALL IS HIGHER THAN THE FALL