Look For The Door Legacy Edition

I think one of the most challenging mistakes we often make in ministry is that we call people to "be" and "do," but we don't stop along the journey to give them "handles" on how to get there. It's great to know that you are called to be holy, but how do you do that? How do you respond when temptation is staring you in the face? What are some pragmatic keys from God's Word that can help us on the journey? In this Message, "Look For The Door," allow me to come alongside of you to help answer some of these questions.

Even in our own lives, when we come to the "Intersection of Choice," may we make the silent decisions that enable us to live God-honoring lives, full of integrity and character. May we be leaders who not only give messages on holiness, but choose in the private moments to live it.

Enjoying our journey together,

This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio.

This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, COW MANURE: GOD'S UNLIKELY REMEDY FOR SIN