The Value Of A Great Enemy Legacy Edition
You and I must always remember, anything God loves, Hell hates. Often times, the Enemy attempts to distract and derail us from our dreams and destiny using God's own people, who have no idea that they're allowing their flesh and carnality to be anointed for Hell's purposes. While these people end up "feeling" like the enemy, through our choices we can take what the real Enemy meant for harm and allow God to bring greatness out of it.
So, grab a cup of coffee and watch the video or just listen in to the audio as I share how to both identify your "enemies" and allow God to use them to add more value to your character, walk with Jesus and ministry than perhaps many of those you call "friend."
Refusing to be derailed,
This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio
This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, THE FINE ART OF SPEAR-THROWING