When The Bionic Man Hits Bottom Legacy Edition

"For the journey," the angel of the Lord said to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:7, "is too much for you." I don't know any great heroes of the faith who haven't felt the same way. Does knowing that you are in good company, that you are not alone, bring you comfort in some sort of odd way? It should. God gets your "this is just too much" moments and Jesus felt His own on Calvary!

"Challenges will come my way. It is not a matter of IF, but WHEN. And in those moments, I will choose to walk with joy, to encourage those around me, and to persevere beyond what I think is possible by relying on God, His Word and the people He has placed in my life. I am more than a conqueror." The goal of this coaching is to help navigate those challenging times.

Not a matter of IF, but WHEN,

This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio

This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, WHAT TO DO WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT

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