How Do You Do Ministry For The Long-Haul? Legacy Edition
I now have been in ministry for many fulfilling decades. As I meet with pastors from all over the country, one of the top questions I get asked is, "How have you managed to stay in ministry for so many years?" I believe it started when, when as a young Christian, the Lord so clearly explained the word "Compassion" to me. He said, "COM(E) to Me first, Jeanne. Drink of My love... and then, PASS I (T) ON to others" and that's what I've spent my life doing.
In this Leadership Coaching, I outline nine key things I learned on the journey that have kept me focused on the Lord and fighting for people throughout the years. As D. L. Moody said, "My greatest fear is NOT that I might FAIL... but that I might SUCCEED at something that does not MATTER."
Still Fighting,
This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio.
This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, ONE OF CHRISTIANITY'S MOST IGNORED MESSAGES