Face/Off Legacy Edition

Some of us haven't seen the 1997 American action film that I took this name from, but I think in Christianity, many of us play "Face/Off" on a pretty regular basis. It's especially easy for Christians to KEEP CHANGING FACES on who they are in their everyday life. I'm not talking about being "full blown fake" or hypocritical. They just slowly give themselves permission to be one person in front of some people and another person in front of others. In all honesty, sometimes we can all be a little "spiritually schizo."

In this Message, "Face/Off," I'm sharing some of the symptoms and causes of becoming a "Face/Off" person. You'll hear me come back again to one of the most pivotal aspects of shaping our Christian walk... friendships. So listen in and share it with your own gang. I promise it will be an incredible night for you!


This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio

This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, THE MANTLE OF LOVE