Dangerous Prayer Legacy Edition

There are a lot of different biblical forms of prayer (i.e. conversational prayer, praying back the Scriptures, personal confession, etc.). Yet, what I'm calling "DANGEROUS PRAYER" is one of the most important but forgotten weapons in our prayer arsenal. James 5:16 tells us, "The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man does much good." Though most Christians "know" that verse, I often wonder how many truly "believe" it...and if they "believe" it, how much they are truly "practicing" it in their lives. Intuitively we all know prayer can only do "much good" to the extent it is "much practiced." And, our practice will always and forever be a choice we will have to continually choose to make.

We far too often shorten the power of prayer. We think that prayer is something that we can only do when we want something from God or when we’re in a tough or tight situation. The goal for this message is to "up to the bar" in our prayer lives. Journey with me as we look at our most dangerous and faithful weapon.

Experiencing "Soul Pains,"

This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio

This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, DANGEROUS PRAYER