Lessons Learned After The Resignation Legacy Edition

Lessons Learned After The Resignation Legacy Edition It's not what happens to us, but what happens in us that really matters

This message was originally given at my Mentoring Conference in 2002, and has become one of my most requested. In this message, I share lessons I learned after my hero, my amazing husband, Sam, and I resigned after 13 years of ministry from a wonderful church in Rockford, IL.

In my message to the leaders, I share 8 lessons that I learned from traveling through that difficult time of life. You may never be asked to go through a season like this, but you will have difficult seasons in your life and the lessons I learned will be helpful to you also.

It was my goal through the resignation season to die well for "It's not so much what happens TO us, but what happens IN us," that really matters.


This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio

This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, AN AUTOPSY OF LEADERSHIP TRAIN WRECKS